Friday, March 26, 2010

David S. Pointer - Two Poems

Small Press Loss

like a crash cart nurse
losing a brain injured boy

like an old prison coach
bear cage rolling to river

like a surfer bitchslapped
by his own good board

like the eerie Edison era
sounds of a phonograph

sold eighty years ago
on an antique wall phone

this is what it's like to lose
someone in the small press

Northern California

In the high end liquor line
a chauffeur cradles a bottle
of Chateau Lafite Rothschild
Pauillac Cabernet like a newbie

Out by grape ranch road
another cardboard box
becomes a custodial parent

David S. Pointer has been published in Alpha Beat Press, The American DissidentLeft Behind, Green Panda Press, Gutter Eloquence Print and online at The Time Garden, Blue Collar Review, Beatlick News, Breaking Ground,Criminal Class Review, Deuce Coupe, Eviserator Heaven, The Murfreesboro Pulse, Poiesis and elsewhere. His chapbook, Bargains, is forthcoming at New Polish Beat.

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