01.13.2010: “Willy Bosket” and “Two Hotel Songs,” both by Gary Beck, previously appeared in
Civilized Ways
01.15.2010: "Night Swimmer" first appeared in The Hiss Quarterly Vol. 5, Issue 3, August 2008; "Little One" first appeared in Slurve Magazine #2, January 2008. Both poems are by Kristine Ong Muslim.
01.31.2010: "For Bird" by Subhankar Das first appeared in Graffiti Kolkata.
02.11.2010: "Mingle" by Donal Mahoney first appeared in The Miscellany: A Davidson Review Vol. 7 No. 1 Winter 1972
02.20.2010: "Endgame" and "Just Once" by John Stazinni first appeared in his book, After the Bell.
03.25.2010: "N.E.W.S." first appeared in The Quarterly Literary Review of Singapore."Word Collage" first appeared in Literary Review of Canada. Both poems by Changming Yaun.
04.25.2010: "Soundly Drubbed" by Matthew Stranach first appeared in his book, ...Mutiny! from Atlantic Flash Publishing in 2003.
05.16.2010: "Transgressions" and "Corners of Reason" first appeared at Poemopia and are written by Saberi Roy.
06.18.2010: "The Blue of Every Flame" by Ryan Quinn Flanagan first appeared in the Fall 2009 issue of Rose and Thorn Journal.
10.17.2010: "The End of Something" by Lewis Humprhies first appeared in The Artillery of Words.
02.04.2011: "War" by Heather Lenz first appeared in Dance to Death.
04.06.2011: "Sweet Basil" first published in Blue Earth Review, ’09, and "Il Connoisseur Sanguinante" first published in The Spoon River Poetry Review, ’07, were both written by Matt Dennison.
06.27.2011: "Dust Motes of the Universe" first appeared in the chapbook Desolation 2 A.M. (2010), by James H. Duncan.
07.13.2011: James Piatt's "Should Anyone Worry?" first appeared in Autumn Leaves in April, 2010.
08.07.2011 - Drea Kato's "Toxemia" first appeared in The Blue Jew Yorker in the year 2011.
08.20.2011 - "Re-Awakened" by Michael Aaron Casares appears first in his book, This Reality of Man (Lizard's Tale Press).
09.01.2011 - Changming Yuan's "Worldy Affairs (4): A Zeugma Sketch of Uncle Sam was first published in the Copperfield Review.
01.25.2012 - "The Innocent" written by Hal O'Leary, first appeared in InkBlot. O'Leary's "War is Hell" first appeared in Sick of 'Em.
03.09.2012 - "Poem For Myself" first appeared in my chapbook For A Dream Ended (Kendra Steiner Editions) August 2010.
07.13.2012 - "Perdix Tells the Tale" was originally published in A Matter of Mind (Foothills Publishing, 2004) by Joseph Saling.
02.24.2013 - "No Words" by Sy Roth was first published in Dead Snakes Nov. 29, 2012.
03.02.2013 - "Steam Baths," previously published by Pandora’s Collective (2007)
and "Nothing," previously published by Red Berry Review (2009), were both written by Mark Leci.
03.23.2013 - "Penis People" originally appeared in Tree Killer Ink in 2012, and "Circus Flaminius" originally appeared in Hobo Camp Review; April 1, 2012. Both poems are written by Wanda Morrow Clevenger.
05.11.2013 - James Shrader's "When She Comes" originally appeared in Awosting Alchemy, September 2011.
08.29.2014 - "Dangerous Truth" by Abigail Wyatt previously appeared in Poetry24, summer 2013.
09.11.2014 - "Evening on Chinkapin Street" originally appeared in Poetic Space, Spring 1987 as "Talking."
12.8.2014 - "Pee Hate" by Timothy Pilgrim first appeared in Bat Terrier in 2012.
05.27.2015 - A version of "Common Church Poem" by Michael Lee Johnson last appeared in Blind Vigil Revue on Feb. 26, 2014.
07.23.2015 - Raymond Keen's poem, "In the Caked Meat of Our Circumstance" was originally published in Scythe #8, Winter 2012.
04.17.2022 - "The Mandatory Daily Meeting Of The Los Angeles Bus Riders Union Local 238 (Solid State)" by Mark Parsons was originally published in Dead Flowers: A Poetry Rag, Vol. 1, No. 1, August 13, 2012.
09.03.2023 - "Panorama" by Sanjeev Sethi was first published in Futures Trading 5.3, November 2017.