Carcinogenic Poetry Mission Statement
Carcinogenic Poetry is Virgogray Press' longest standing periodical and is published online since 2009. Carcinogenic Poetry publishes on a rolling basis, and anthologizes annually. Carcinogenic Poetry is looking for poetry from writers from all walks of life. We are open to all types of verse, as long as it is filled with passion and truth. At Carcinogenic Poetry we believe THE TRUTH IS TO LIES LIKE CANCER, and we are looking for the poetry that is the vehicle of truth for that poet and their work.
When Submitting to Carcinogenic Poetry
- Send up to 5 poems.
- No simultaneous submissions.
- Previously published work is accepted but
- must be acknowledged at time of submission
- cannot be submitted within 2 years of previous publication - Send 50 word bio.
- Send address and contact info.
- ATTACH poems w/name and address in (.DOC) file.
- Mark subject line: Carcinogenic Poetry / (last name)
- Email to: virgograypress (at) gmail (dot) com
- Poets may only submit once per 6 months if published
Carcinogenic Poetry and Virgogray Press receive first time North American publishing rights at time of publication, after which, all rights revert back to the poet. By sending your writing/work/poetry to Carcinogenic Poetry, the author understands that Carcinogenic Poetry reserves the right to publish your work online and in a subsequent print anthology.
Writers also give Carcinogenic Poetry the right to archive published writing/work/poetry indefinitely. Carcinogenic Poetry also reserves the right to use published work in subsequent advertising or marketing campaigns, on social media and/or other such platforms, with the use of writing/work/poetry in portion or in full along with the name of the author of the work. Writers will always be acknowledged for their work. Carcinogenic Poetry reserves the right to refuse publication. Writers/poets maintain all rights to their work.
There is no payment for publication in Carcinogenic Poetry. Writer's whose work is accepted for publication will receive an electronic copy of the anthology their work appears in, and can receive a discount on the printed anthology, as well. Writers may also be subject to receiving the VGP Author's Discount when purchasing other Virgogray Press titles.
Carcinogenic Poetry will respond to poetry submissions in 1-3 weeks. Due to the volume of submissions received, if you have not received a response from us in three months, please consider your submission declined. Thank you for your understanding.
Carcinogenic Poetry Staff
Carcinogenic Poetry is edited and maintained by Michael Aaron Casares, and published by Virgogray Press.
Carcinogenic Poetry Staff
Carcinogenic Poetry is edited and maintained by Michael Aaron Casares, and published by Virgogray Press.